Everything you need to know about video ad units


Are video ad units as innovative as presented? Considered as the Eldorado of digital advertising, video has experienced a real boom in recent years. But what is it really? In this article, we tell you everything there is to know about video advertising. Follow the guide! 

Contextual advertising explained

Kontextbezogene Werbung

Contextual advertising or contextual targeting takes place in an environment where the need to protect the personal data of Internet users is a concern. The subject of programmatic advertising is a hotly debated topic, so much so that web players have put in place solutions to limit abusive tracking and the scope of targeting on […]

2022 Advertising trends

publicité 2022

A few weeks ago, we started talking about 2022 adtech trends. You can find the article here. But it is only the beginning of a year full of innovations and changes. Today, we’ll talk about the advertising trends for 2022. Formats, platforms… We’ll tell you everything!

How to increase your CPM using video formats

How to increase your CPM using video formats

Increasing the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) is one of the main goals of publishers. A higher CPM will lead to an increase in revenues. Video isn’t the most conventional way to display ads, however it is more and more present on the web.